As with all diagnostic tools from Hella Gutmann Solutions, the developers have focused their attention on
how to best adapt the CSC-Tool and system to the specific requirements and needs of independent repair
and service shops. It starts with the basic equipment and continues with the various expansion packages.
Many Possibilities
The CSC-Tool comes with a base rack including adjustment bar and gauge heads with two supports. The modular system makes it possible to add brand-specific calibration tables as well as additional modules for different driver assist systems. The front camera for the lane departure warning system, the radar sensor for the automatic distance control, or the camera for the intelligent light system can be calibrated with the diagnostic tools of the mega macs family at a cost effective price.
Prepared for Everything
The sensors and cameras of driver assistance systems have to be calibrated and adjusted with utmost precision. Nevertheless, repair and service shops do not require a fully equipped axle alignment station or a leveled workshop floor or platform in order to work with the CSC-Tool from Hella Gutmann Solutions. All measuring equipment can be set up on any reasonably level ground and still deliver reliable and precise data.
Maximum Measuring Accuracy
The measuring devices for some driver assist systems have a range of several hundred metres. A slight shift in position of the radar head or the camera in relation to the geometric axle causes the system to fail, or, even worse, to deliver incorrect results. The CSC-Tool works with a very low tolerance level. Its precision provides accurate results which pay off for repair shops and drivers: Increased road safety and an ever growing number of satisfi ed clients.